Monday, June 25, 2012

Bobi Wine / Butchaman Beef Growing Bigger.

Weeks back Bobi Wine told bouncers to evict Butcher-man from a boxing show where he (Bobi Wine) was the guest of honour. However, everyone thought that was the last of their mishaps.

After learning that Butcherman had organized a concert in the same area, Bobi Wine also decided to put up a show on the same day ( Saturday 23rd June). Whereas Butcherman’s show is in Ki-somali, Bobi Wine’s show is at Satellite Mukono and these two venues are just a stone throw from each other.

Butcherman still insists Bobi Wine is a coward and that he is trying to beef his just to make a name. Bobi Wine also donated a bull to the Mukono residents in celebration for the battle of Champions victory. However, the former Vice president of Firebase insists Bobi Wine is pulling off a stunt. Butcherman insists it is another Kiwani and that Bobi wine is too broke to afford anything.

I should also remind you that during the fires in Owino, Bobi Wine donated his Escalade but up to now he still moves in it.

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