Some artistes who preferred anonymity allege that till now, they have never received their cash prizes. "It is all a myth that we were rewarded, we have never heard from Isaac Mulindwa," ranted an angry award winner. The PAM awards have faced its couple of criticisms, from the top management of Mulindwa which was accused by the sponsors of mismanaging the awards money, to allegations from artistes like Chameleone who cited poor organization. There is also another sect of people who are tired of the nomination committee that keeps on getting categories of musicians and their style of music wrong.
Benjamin Lwanyaga is one of those ardent entertainment critics. He laments about continuous misplacement of people in wrong categories. You find a person who has spent years in a music industry being called a new artiste. You get a reggae musician being selected to compete in the Hip-Hop category, on another hand; you will have a song being put in a false category. Yet even the prospects of award winners being hand-picked by the organizing committee are creeping up.
We tried to call Isaac Mulindwa but he kept rejecting our calls. However, when we finally got through, he assured us that Pam Awards will take place this year come what may. But you could not help but sense airy assertions from the big man. Hope we can have the awards, they help us recognize the who is who in the music industry.
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Article by: Ortega Ian Date: August 09, 2012
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