Wednesday, June 6, 2012

UPDATE: Bad Black to Sue David Greenhalgh Over Sodomy.

Bad Black aka Shanita Namuyimbwa is to sue her lover David Greenhalgh over sodomy.

According to one of Bad Black’s lawyers, Samuel Muyizi they are through with the required paper work and David Greenhalgh is to face the court over the matter.

Recently while filing in her defence at the Anti-Corruption Court, Bad Black said that she was sodomized by David Greenhalgh and also disclosed that the sh11b David gave her was for love, butt and Breast implants.

Bad Black said she obeyed his demands because she wanted the money from him.The trial Judge Justice Catherine Bamugemereire ordered an investigation into the allegations by the police.

David Greenhalgh’s lawyer however advised Bad Black not to sue Greenhalgh because what ever they did they first agreed upon it so there is no need of taking the issues they agreed on to court.

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