After much public outcry, the president of the Bakoowu clan has broken it to the public that an English song is in the making. The song which was written by Abdu Mulaasi after failing his PLE exams will feature among others, Diamond Oscar the Bling Bling Master.
Someone tried to produce the lyrics that each of them will sing....
EDDY K: They wanna killu me becozi of englishi...ohhhhh I didnt know u gati someone....ohhh ohhhh baibe, you are my swagger kwini (read queen)
DIAMOND O: Bling Bling master, Diamond oscar englishi, facebookingi ohhh ohhhh these izi yo boyi....do you feelu me , you there , me here, do you ear me( read hear)
AZIZ A: You alu my pain killer, killu killu me wizi laavu baibe sweeti ayayayaya u r my giita (read guitar)
MATHIAS W: am so tayadi (read tired) do you know dati? ohhhhh this z d remixi, we are re-do the song
ABDU M: am gonna tie a farm, a farm, swimmingi poolu, sauna sauna
DAVID L: Her kabiina goes papalingi huhuhuhuhuhuh you are ticko (read tickle) me ohhhh Lutalo your boyi once again
WEASEL: Boom boom boom boom room rooom ayayayah check disi you don know
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